STOPER is the brand of Sjemenarna which includes a program of protection against different types of insects and pests in homes and public and communal hygiene. Regardless of the season, whether you need protection against flying or crawling pests, or you need to choose between insecticides or environmental traps, STOPER has the solution for your needs.
In STOPER assortment you can find:
- Insecticide sprays for protection against flying and crawling insects (cockroaches, ants, wasps, flies, bedbugs, mites, spiders, ticks).
- Ecological traps for flies, wasps, hornets, cockroaches, ants, snails and other pests.
- Repellents against mosquitoes – patches, bracelets, electrical mosquito mats, ultrasonic repellents, repellents based on citronella oil for your garden and home, sprays and wet wipes for the body, moisturising balm for skin after insect bites and so on.
- Magic mesh with magnets for doors and windows against insects.
- Different types of mousetraps and glue.
- Solar and electrical repellents against snakes, moles, birds, mice…
It’s time to say STOPER to pests!
STOPER items are available in Sjemenarna retail sale, on the web shop and in all better-stocked stores in BiH.
The complete offer of STOPER products can be seen here.