Green Garden Club


You want to make a discount with every purchase? It is possible. The Green Garden Club has provided its members with a number of benefits including the obtaining of a fixed discount with each purchase in Sjemenarna’s agrocentres.

Green Garden Club brings together over 10 000 hobbyists and professionals who are regular customers in Sjemenarna’s agrocentres, as well as the curious ones who want to follow all the novelties in the world of agriculture. Increased number of members is our guiding principle in making new and interesting experiences together with pleasant surprises and benefits.




Advantages and benefits of Green Garden Club membership

  • Easy to use – show the card, receive a discount
  • Special offers for loyalty card owners only
  • Fixed discount with each purchase
  • Discounts on over 90% of items of seasonal products and other goods from our wide range
  • SMS notifications about sales and novelties in our offer
  • Free Green Garden newsletter
  • Rich prize competitions
  • Expert advice from our agronomists and help during the shopping in Sjemenarna’s agrocentres

Annual membership fee in the Green Garden Club is 25,00 KM (convertible marks).
You can become a member of Green Garden Club by filling in an APLICATION FORM, and payment can be made as follows:

  • In Sjemenarna’s Agro centres, where you will get and fill in the APLICATION FORM
  • By payment slip to the bank account of the UniCredit Bank d.d. Mostar 338 220 220 0074 907
  • For the members abroad:

If you send your payment through the account, please instance the payment slip together with your personally identifiable information (name, address, phone number) and with the note “Za Klub Green Garden” (for the Green Garden Club) and submit it on the one of the following ways:
to our address: Sjemenarna d.o.o., Obilazna cesta 27, 88220 Široki Brijeg or
by fax to: 039 706 572 or to our e-mail address: [email protected]

You can take over your card within 15 days from the delivery of filled application form and paying the membership fee.


LOYALITY REWARDS for our regular costumers, registered agricultural producers!
During the shopping in Sjemenarna’s agrocentres, by using their golden producer’s card, our privileged customers earn a 10% discount on over 90% of products from our wide offer. Sjemenarna recognises and appreciates your loyalty!




Quick, simple and easy way to benefits!
Achieve significant savings in just few steps and increase your credit rating discount with every collected point. Credit point membership brings exclusive benefits! Collect points and join the number of our satisfied customers.




The advantages and benefits of the Green Garden Club card:

  • No obligation, no fees and no expenses
  • Easy to use
  • Rating system of collecting and using points
  • Information about upcoming sales and discounts
  • Expert advice from our agronomists and help during purchase in Sjemenarna’s agrocentres
  • Loyalty rewards

Fill in the application form in our agrocentres and instantly get your temporal loyalty card. In one of the next purchases you will get you permanent Green Garden Club loyalty card. Collect points and reduce costs of your next purchase.
Prikupljajte bodove i umanjite vrijednost Vaše naredne kupovine.


For any further questions about the loyalty membership of Green Garden Club be free to contact us at 039 700-000, or write an e-mail at [email protected]

Thank you for your confidence. We are looking forward to our co-operation.


Yours faithfully, Sjemenarna

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